(719)352-9470 [email protected]

What People Are Saying About Us!

Another excellent massage. You always find stuff I didn’t know about. I really need to make room in the budget so I can get in more often.
Rodney H.

I have been a massage therapist for more than twentyyears and have received massage from quite a few people. I would put you and the work you fo in the top ten percent of the therapists that I have seen.
Rebecca J.

I am very happy with the work you do. On the rare occasion that an appointment is missed my body reminds me why massage is not a luxury.
Jodi S.

I had a nerve impingement issue limiting the range my right arm could move to a few degrees away from my body and reduced my strength to around 1-3 pounds in that range.

Keith’s assessment identified the trouble area, even before my doctor. With about six sessions I had enough restored strength and range of motion for normal daily life function.

Byron C.

After seizing Keith everlasting times for massage to help me with my peri feral neuropathy with good results Keith asked if I would like to try a relatively new modality called the Myokinesthetic System. The relief and restoration that I received accoured much more quickly and lasts much longer,
Deborah D.

I began taking a weekly prescription that immediately caused very bad migraine headaches as a side effect, sometimes lasting up to 4 days straight.

Keith offered a possable solution with some Myokinesthetic nerve routines. I went to Keith every week for a session within 24 hours of taking the medication and over the cours of 6 weeks I saw the migraines lessen in sevarity and last for less and less time until the migraines actually TOTALLY stopped. I went from laying in bed virtually incapacitated for 4 days of every single week to being able to function and resume normal life activities.

I highly recommend working with Keith for any negative prescription side effects. He was able to help me emmensely.

Heather L.

Keith Konegen



To Schedule An Appointment or

For information Call Us!

[email protected]

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